Office Hours
Mon-Thu 10:00-4:00
1300 East Beverly
P.O. Box 1585
Ada, OK 74820
Parish Office
In the first reading for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Isaiah speaks of Jerusalem’s new name and joy. This joy is a sign of God’s love and faithfulness. In the second reading, Paul teaches that though there are many different gifts, they come from the same Spirit. This shows the importance of unity in the Church. The wedding at Cana in John’s Gospel shows Jesus turning water into wine. This miracle is a sign of Jesus’ power and care for others.
Saturday, January 18
Sunday, January 19 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, January 20 – St. Fabian, Pope & Martyr; St. Sebastian, Martyr
Tuesday, January 21 – St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
Wednesday, January 22 – Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Thursday, January 23 – St. Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin
Friday, January 24 – St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Sunday, January 26 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time / C
January 25/26, 2025
Processional: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Sorry, but this link is me singing the 1st verse. No YouTube videos used the tune in our hymnbook.)
Glory to God in the Highest Roman Missal chant
Offertory Songs:–9hCNSPGEut
Communion Songs:
Post Communion Song:
Readings C
The above readings can be found online:
Monday | 6:00 p.m. SFX |
Tuesday | Noon SJA |
Wednesday | Noon SJA |
Thursday | 9:00 a.m. SJA |
Friday | |
Saturday | 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Anticipatory) – SJA (English) |
Sunday | 9:00 a.m. – SJA (Bilingual) 11:30 a.m. – SFX (English) |
Check the Bulletin for Mass Intentions and time changes. |
Monday | after 6:00 p.m. Mass SFX |
Tuesday | after noon Mass SJA |
Wednesday | after noon Mass SJA |
Thursday | after noon Mass SJA |
Saturday | |
Sunday | |
Check the Bulletin for time changes. Confessions may also be made by appointment. |
Contact Parish Office
Couples should contact the Pastor at least six months prior to the wedding date. To make an appointment with the Pastor, call 580-332-4811.
Reconciliation and First Communion Classes are for children who will be age 7 by April 1, 2024. These classes (beginning with Reconciliation) will meet on Sunday mornings after Mass.
Interim Class are for children who have been through First Communion, but who have not received the sacrament of Confirmation. This class will meet on Sunday mornings after Mass.
Confirmation Class is for grades 6th, 7th and 8th. Class will meet on Sundays after Mass.
RCIA will include grades 11th and 12th who have not yet been confirmed. They will meet on Wednesdays evenings at 6:30 in the John Bloms room.
For Mass and Confession times, check the bulletin. For Mass Intention / $10 stipend fee (Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays).
To schedule a Funeral Mass, please check with the Parish Office (580-332-4811) and the Pastor BEFORE selecting a date and time for the service.
Total Youth Ministry
Knights of Columbus
The third-party reporting service is responsible for receiving allegations of sexual abuse against current or retired bishops in the United States. The hotline does not replace the requirement to contact law enforcement. Allegations can be made to the toll-free number (800) 276-1562 or online at The reporting party can choose to remain anonymous. For more information, go online to To report abuse by clergy, volunteers or church and school employees, call (405) 720-9878. If a child is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
El servicio de informes de terceras partes es responsable de recibir denuncias de abuso sexual contra obispos actuales o retirados en los Estados Unidos. Se pueden realizar denuncias al número gratuito (800) 276-1562 o en línea en La parte informante puede optar por permanecer en el anonimato. Para obtener más información, vaya en línea a Para denunciar el abuso por parte del clero, voluntarios o empleados de la iglesia y la escuela, llame al (405) 720-9878. Si un niño está en peligro inmediato, llame al 9-1-1.